Maastricht University Scholarships Holland | Fully Funded

Study in Netherlands. Netherlands Government with the help of Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science and Dutch universities and universities of applied sciences is offering Fully Funded masters scholarships to international students at Maastricht University. - have you applied at Free online Course by World Health Organization 

Maastricht University Scholarships Holland | Fully Funded | Study in Netherlands

The University of Maastricht (UM) is the largest international university in the Netherlands and is still growing, with 18,000 students and 4,400 staff. The University is a model of learning innovation, a global role, and a multifaceted approach to research and education.

With its high-quality research and study programs, as well as its emphasis on community engagement, UM has rapidly gained a strong reputation. Today it is among one of the best youth universities in the world
UM is a European leader in Problem Based Education(PBL), working with the educational model since the university's inception. Problem Based Learning challenges students not only to learn their subject, but also to actively develop skills such as self-reliance, determination, and problem-solving with their abilities and interests.

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Maastricht University Scholarships Holland Detail:

Financial Aid: Fully Funded

Country: Netherlands / Holland

Host University: Maastricht University

Degree Level: Masters Programs

  For any HELP, You can follow us on Instagram and can ask any question related to this opportunity  

Available Majors and Fields:

There is a bundle of courses that are being offered by Maastricht University. These courses would be taught by its very experts. Mostly Masters and LLM courses are available. Only the following courses are available for Holland Scholarships. If anyone wants to study other courses besides this then he /she cannot apply for the Netherlands Scholarships. 

Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences

  1. MA Art, Literature and Society
  2. MA Arts and Heritage: Policy, Management and Education
  3. MA Arts and Culture: spec. Politics and Society
  4. MA European Public Affairs
  5. MA European Studies on Society, Science and Technology
  6. MA European Studies: spec. Europe in a Globalising World
  7. MA European Studies: spec. European Politics and International Relations
  8. MA European Studies: spec. European Public Policy and Administration
  9. MA Globalisation and Development Studies
  10. Research Master Cultures of Arts, Science and Technology
  11. Research Master European Studies
  12. MA Media Studies: Digital Cultures

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Faculty of Law

  1. LLM European Law School: spec. European Law & Market Integration
  2. LLM European Law School: spec. European Public Law & Governance
  3. LLM European Law School: spec. General programme
  4. LLM Forensics, Criminology and Law
  5. LLM Globalisation and Law: spec. Corporate and Commercial Law
  6. LLM Globalisation and Law: spec. General programme
  7. LLM Globalisation and Law: spec. Human Rights
  8. LLM Globalisation and Law: spec. International Trade and Investment Law
  9. LLM International and European Tax Law: spec. International and European Tax Law
  10. LLM International and European Tax Law: spec. Customs and International Supply Chain Taxation
  11. LLM International and European Tax Law: spec. Tax and Technology
  12. LLM Advanced Master in Intellectual Property Law 
  13. MSc Advanced Master in Intellectual Property Law

Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences

  1. MSc Biomedical Sciences
  2. MSc Epidemiology
  3. MSc Global Health
  4. MSc Governance and Leadership in European Public Health
  5. MSc Health Education and Promotion
  6. MSc Healthcare Policy, Innovation and Management
  7. MSc Human Movement Sciences: spec. Health and Rehabilitation
  8. MSc Human Movement Sciences: spec. Sports and Nutrition
  9. MSc Work, Health and Career

Faculty of Psychology & Neuroscience

  1. MSc Forensic Psychology
  2. MSc Psychology: spec. Cognitive Neuroscience
  3. MSc Psychology: spec. Development Psychology
  4. MSc Psychology: spec. Health and Social Psychology
  5. MSc Psychology: spec. Neuropsychology
  6. MSc Psychology: spec. Legal Psychology
  7. MSc Psychology: spec. Work and Organisational Psychology
  8. Research Master Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience: spec. Cognitive Neuroscience
  9. Research Master Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience: spec. Drug Development and Neurohealth
  10. Research Master Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience: spec. Fundamental Neuroscience
  11. Research Master Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience: spec. Neuropsychology
  12. Research Master Cognitive and Clinical Neuroscience: spec. Psychopathology

School of Business and Economics

  1. MSc Business Intelligence and Smart Services
  2. MSc Economics
  3. MSc Economics and Strategy in Emerging Markets
  4. MSc Financial Economics
  5. MSc IB/Entrepreneurship and SME Management
  6. MSc IB/Information Management and Business Intelligence
  7. MSc IB/Sustainable Finance
  8. MGSoG: MSc Public Policy and Human Development
  9. MSI: MSc Sustainability Science, Policy and Society

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Benefits of Maastricht University Scholarships Holland:

What you want more when many of your big expenses would be covered by Netherlands Scholarships. Maastricht University is providing many benefits so that it would not be a financial tension for the students who want to study in Netherlands. Maastricht University with the help of Dutch Ministry is offering most of the benefits so that selected students can concentrate more on their studies. The detail of the benefits is given below:

  1. Living expenses
    For 12 months its value is € 11,400 and for 24 months its value € 22,800
  2. Health & liability insurance
    Its value is € 700
  3. Visa application costs
    The amount of Visa application costs is € 174
  4. Tuition fees
    Its ranges between € 13,800*;  € 15,500* or € 16,800. It totally depends upon the program you choose
  5. Pre-Academic Training costs

These Costs would be directly paid to students by the Maastricht University

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Eligibility Criteria:

Applicants must have to follow the given criteria in order to apply for the Netherlands Scholarships

  1. Applicant must have a nationality of that country that is outside the EU/EEA, Switzerland or Surinam
  2. Applicant should not be a citizen of such a country which is located in EU/EEA, Switzerland or Surinam
  3. Applicant should not hold a double nationality from an EU/EEA country
  4. Applicants must have to apply for the eligible master's programs at Maastricht University for the academic year of 2021-2022
  5. Applicants must also have to meet the specific admission criteria for the master's program
  6. Applicant's age must not be older than 35 years on 1 September 2021
  7. Applicants must have excellent academic performance
  8. Applicants must be willing to travel and study in Netherlands

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Required Documents for Applying:

  1. Curriculum vitae
  2. Letter of motivation
  3. Proof of academic excellence
  4. The contact details of one referee


The last date to apply for Maastricht University Netherlands Scholarships is February 1, 2021

How to Maastricht University Netherlands Scholarships:

You must have to apply online but you have to follow the following steps:

Step 1:

Download the list of Master program HERE available for the Maastricht University Netherlands Scholarships. Select your desire course. You have to register yourself for that course. For detail on how to register for that specific course, you can visit HERE. After submitting your application at Studielink HERE, You will get the student ID number for Maastricht University. Save this student ID number because you need it to fill the application form for the scholarship. 

Step 2: 

Given are the links of faculties if courses in which you are eligible to apply. Go to the relevant link and apply via your student ID number. You have to log in with your UM account. Upload your documents in .doc, .docx, or PDF format and submit your application. All of your documents should be corrected and up to date because once submitted than you cannot edit your application. 

Step 3:

You will have to contact your referee that you provided in your application form and ask them to submit their reference letter on the following email address: before the deadline.  You can download scholarship reference letter guidelines HERE


ScholarshipsTree Network wishes you good luck for your future success!

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