Get ready to study in Berlin. SBW is offering FULLY FUNDED scholarships for international students to pursue bachelors and Masters degree programs in University in Berlin. This is such a great opportunity to avail as FULLY FUNDED bachelors and masters scholarships. have you applied at USA Scholarships | Elmhurst University Scholarships USA

SBW Berlin Scholarship, Germany - FULLY FUNDED 

The SBW Berlin Scholarship helps young people from economically disadvantaged families and develops skills acquired while studying in Germany, preferably in their home country, in long-term nonprofit projects. SBW offers scholarships for undergraduate and master's programs in Berlin and Potsdam based on students' academic ability, personal abilities and social needs. In general, all scientific and artistic disciplines can be funded. In special cases, they assist in vocational training in Berlin or Potsdam.

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SBW Berlin Scholarship Detail:


Country: Germany

City: Berlin

Host University: Some universities in Germany 

Supported By: SBW

Degree Program: Bachelors / Undergraduates and Masters degree programs

Eligibility: International Students

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Benefits of SBW Scholarships Germany:

SBW is giving many benefits for the international students who want to complete their bachelors or masters studies in Berlin, Germany. Their basic aim is to give ease to the selected students in their educational career. The benefits list is given below:

  1. Free Accommodation
  2. Living Allowances
  3. Full Tuition Fee
  4. Travel Allowance

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Duration of Assistance:

The maximum duration of the assistantship is 48 months. It depends upon the standard duration of studies in the discipline you have chosen. Scholarships are awarded according to the vacancies.

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Eligibility Criteria:

You must have to keep in mind the following points to apply for the GERMANY SCHOLARSHIPS.

Eligible Countries:

About all the international students are eligible to apply. Students belonging to Eastern Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America are eligible to apply.

Other Requirements:

  1. Applicants age must be between 18 and 30 years old 
  2. Applicants average grades correspond with the German grade point average of at least 2.0
  3. Homeless foreigners, Recognised refugees, Holders of a settlement permit can apply
  4. Students whose studies in Germany country and are already being funded by another scholarship are not
  5. allowed to apply.
  6. Applicants must have high school certificate to apply for bachelors degree program
  7. Applicants must have bachelors degree to apply for masters degree program

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Rules of Scholarships:

There are some rules of SBW Berlin scholarships which applies as follows: 

  1. There may be a condition to prove that they have not stayed in Germany for more than 18 months 
  2. There are no first-degree family members who reside permanently in Germany
  3. There should be an intention to work in their country of origin for minimum of 18 months after graduation
  4. There should be professional or volunteer experience in the non-profit sector
  5. Applicants should be able to prove a relatively low net income

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Required Documents for Applying:

  1. Application form (fillable PDF or online form)
  2. Letter of motivation (one or two pages long)5
  3. Current curriculum vitae
  4. Copy of the last school or university certificate that should show the grade point average and a grade overview
  5. Copy of the highest academic degree (high school diploma or university certificate). Average grade point should also be mentioned on them 
  6. Information about the net household income

IF applicable then the following may also need to submit:

  1. Qualification for university entrance
  2. Admission of the university in Berlin or Potsdam where you intend to study 
  3. Internationally recognized language certificate 
  4. All previous training, work, internship and apprenticeship certificates and references
  5. all already obtained university certificates and records of achievements 

The following documents are only mandatory to submit

  1. One or two letters of recommendation from school teachers, professors, employers, etc.
  2. Evidence of the net household income

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Verification Process:

The following documents would be required to submit after the selection as a verification process:

  1. Copy of your passport with photograph
  2. Copy of your student visa
  3. Evidence of the net household income
  4. Copy of your university entrance qualification
  5. Admission to the university in Berlin or Potsdam where you want to study
  6. Confirmation of enrolment, if already issued
  7. Copy of your latest school or university certificate 
  8. Certified copies of all university certificates and performance records 
  9. Legalization of your highest academic qualification 
  10. Certified copies of your study-specific work, internship and training certificates
  11. Copy of an internationally recognized language certificate


The last date to apply at SBW Berlin Scholarships is 31 December,2020


There is a complete guidelines booklet that would guide you about all the application process. Download Booklet HERE

How to apply at SBW Berlin Scholarships:

Download the application form HERE. Fill up the application form carefully. Attach all the relevant documents. And send the form at

ScholarshipsTree Network wishes you good luck for your future success!

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Disclaimer: This is not the Official Scholarship Website or Web Page. This is only a one-page summarized listing of the current opportunity detail mentioned above and, all these opportunities are from Authorized and Authentic Sources. These opportunities are only to help world wide students free of cost. While we endeavor to keep the information up to date and correct, information may change at any time without notice. We always refer to you For complete and updated information, always follow the official website of the scholarship or opportunity organization. Any reliance you place on information from scholarshipstree.comis strictly at your own risk.